

Mister Fox monitors, researches and advocates for practical yet humane solutions to restoring the imbalance caused by the introduction of fox populations to Australia’s ecology.


Mister Fox was set up in 2016 by environmental scientist (then student) Melvin Parrince as part of a masters coursework assignment. The project proved to be of interest among a number of his peers, and solidified into a platform for monitoring and investigating actions being taken on the management of invasive species in Australia.

In 2018, Parrince sought to change the name of the group to the Australian Fox Population Work Group, but was overruled by group members, the bulk of whom saw the irreverent name as a plus. Parrince conceded, acknowledging that it allows the group to work relatively free of interruptions from larger organisations and governmental bodies.


Our member base includes people with expertise spanning a wide range of disciplines, from ecology, conservation and environmental management to engineering and statistics. We currently have 24 members based across four states and territories. We run as a collective with a non-hierarchical management structure. Admission of new members is by member consensus.


Due to the wide geographic distances between many of our members, we primarily meet in a monthly online conference. 2018 saw our first in-person meeting and skillshare event, which took place on a private property south-east Queensland. We hope for this to become an annual event.