Tinting, Then Peace?

Teacher seems rather cross, although unlike most such incidents, I think I know why this one is happening. She hates the idea of there being someone or something here in Melbourne who is acting non-human, but not attending Human Classes. She was quick to haul in the Atlantean fellow and the time traveller, but this new, strange vigilante person is causing her to become vexed.

I at least understand the vexation. Good golly, the human experience seems custom-designed to be frustrating! The office people have been demanding that they find the best company for office window tinting installation Melbourne has to offer, all because there was this big feature on window tinting on Six Twee Minutes and now it’s mandatory. Apparently. G-Type Android R/I is already overworked fitting every cubicle with soundproof walls, and I fear that I may have to step in again if he becomes too stressed. The last thing I need at this stage is for his head to literally explode during a staff meeting. People may have questions as to why there is no blood, only fried circuitry.

Tinting is not a bad idea, in general. I can’t say I hadn’t considered it while I was ‘filling in’ for Sandrine, but office window tinting is not the overarching problem.

This office needs sorting out. They need to learn that they cannot simply have everything they want, lest there be consequences for their crass behaviour. In fact, that’s what I’ve been jotting down during today’s Human Classes, even though I should have been paying attention to the topic, Dealing With Difficult People.

I mean, I already gave into the demand for installing frosted window glass on the offices and the lunchroom, mainly so that Patricia could eat her giant, messy sandwiches without being judged. How much more is there to give before the ill-will must be returned in kind? 

Oh golly. If only there was some sort of guidance when it comes to dealing with difficult people!